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With all of the fixation lately on legalizing about who can be a citizen of the Metis Nation, have we lost sight of what it is to be a “Metis community”?  Can we no longer see the forest for the trees?

Nation vs. Peoples: There can be a real difference between these two terms.  Canada’s Constitution Act, 1982 refers to the rights of Aboriginal “peoples”.  Because it is up to the courts to interpret the Constitution, in the Powley case the courts determined who may enjoy a Metis constitutional rightto hunt and fish for food. The courts set out a “test” as to how it would accept that a Metis community would have that right.

But that decision should not in any way bind a Nation in determining who may be its citizens.  The right to determine who belongs is for the people to decide. If we are truly a Métis Nation, then we should not be bound our swayed by the courts’ interpretation of who may enjoy a constitutional right recognized by governments.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what is happening within the Metis Nation of Ontario (MNO) and elsewhere. We are being led around by the nose by governments that are using the court’s decision to sway us into applying that limitation to ourselves in determining who may belong to the Metis Nation.

In defining who may be a citizen of the Metis Nation, we have also fallen short of acting like a Nation.  We have a definition of who is Metis.  And we limit Metis Nation citizenship to only those we have defined as such. But what about those who are adopted for example?  If we adopt the universal standard that “peoples” have a right to identify ourselves, why shouldn’t the Metis community have a provision for those who are adopted?

There is much wrong in the thinking going on in the MNO.  We are not acting as a Nation.  We have become delivery agents for federal and provincial government programs and services.  I’ve been around long enough to know that governments want to limit who may access those programs and services or rights. Governments want to reduce the numbers!  By its new "Registry and Self-Government Readiness Process" and corresponding proposed changes to its Bylaws, is the MNO now doing exactly that?

We need to resist becoming pawns of the governments. We should stand up to them and let them know that while we have no choice but to live within current court decisions on who may enjoy a Metis right, that does not tie our hands in determining who may be our citizens.

Tony Belcourt
August 10, 2018


  1. thank you Tony! It is not hard to see where Christi get's her Guts and her spunk!

  2. With you 110% on this Tony...well said.

  3. I agree fully. All we need is someone with your resourcefulness and capability to take on both Federal and Provincial governments like you did in your days as President.

  4. Well said Tony

    If any of the metis leaders and Indigenous leaders would read and understand the magna carta they would realize that they can write their own history as sovereigns which all indigenous poeples are.

  5. Miigwetch Tony for bringing light to this very important situation which faces us! We must remember why and how the Metis Nations of Ontario was founded.
    We can not let the Government dictate or impose our future and we can not let them continue to create these divisions between us! It is our great grandchildren's legacy that is in jeopardy! We can not repeat the same mistakes, we need to stand up as a whole, for what is in the best interest of our citizens and future generations and not for what the Government believes is our best interest.

  6. Thank you Tony bless you Brother !

  7. When has any Government been a friend of any First Nation or Metis People..Beware White Eyes ...they speak with forked tongue...!!! That said I would encourage the MNO to stay to their ancestral way of determining who is many of our members have lost their paper work such as church records ,birth cetifacates marriage licenses .. why should the government punish these members...I feel as Tony ..Who gave the government the right to say who is and who is not ....Miigwetch..

  8. Thank you Tony Belcourt! I am proudly who I am regardless of what our government defines me as. I wish more people would realize this instead of promote the in-fighting amongst all of our people bout who gets benefits and programs and who doesn’t. Miigwech, Miigwech, Miigwech!

  9. Wright on we cant start elimating our Metis because the government or MNC This already happened with OMNSIA they the government reinstated non status and caused deception amongst the rest of us and they said we never registered properly .Divide us and watch cant do this again we should have learned take it from Tony he knows this a lot of our new generation is not aware of our struggle for generations to get where we are now. Don't exclude or metis because of some government interference or NCC being greedy .Don't do this again protect our people we are ONE and no less .Ontario Metis and Native CANADA no less stay united in our FIGHT and believe me its been a long journey for me .My grandkids stand up and say they are Metis in school and I am proud of them .I had many fights in my school and Town because I was native Metis .Please stick to our guns as the saying goes know is not the time to be persuaded by political reangling Ken


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